Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Birthday Greetings

Just a qick stop to wish my husband a Happy Birthday. He insists on nothing for his birthday. I wonder should I really let him get away with that.....

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Jean's Hat

The Yarn I bought in Canada to make Jean a hat and scarf is coming out wonderful. I just finished a lovely hat and have started a scarf. Hat is juat a simple 2 x 2 rib then stockinette. Scarf I am thinking of a basketweave. This will give her a couple to take with her, including the chenille scarf I made her last year. She is getting excited and nervous about her trip to Japan, but I am sure all will be well. I will post pic of hat and scarf soon. Yarn is Sirdar Cossack chunky color SH081, It has a deep purplish black base and lots of other colors in it. Really is a nice yarn and works up well for a nice warm winter set for her. I think even my friends in Canuck country would enjoy. Off to start the housework. Much to do.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Christmas Knitting

Well, I finished one of my Christmas presents. But am not going to say who it is for. I am afraid they might say who it is for and they do at times pop in here and take a look around. It is night with Lionbrand Moonlight Mohair and then Paton's Brilliant held together. I can't remember the colors off hand. Will havve to look them up. Came out real nice and I think will be a nice addition for a dressy scarf for working in office or going someplace out. Or heck with that, they are special, they can just deserve to look fantastic every day!
Just drinking a cup of morning coffee before I head out to begin some morning chores. I prefer to get my outside work done in the morning before it gets too hot. This temps in upper 90's with all the humidity is hard to take. No dry spell this year, thunderstorms every couple days and it really is keeping the humidity up. Not near as bad as when we lived in Florida though and I am glad not to have the mosquitos. Where we are we don't get the mosquitos and such so much. Up pn a hill not next to a water source and not so many trees either. Keeps mosquitos down. Neighbor has lots of trees and there are a few bats around which helps with any other bug population. Also we have some wonderful toads living in our gardens. Enjoyable critters. I have always enjoyed toads around. I am thinking I might put a few toad houses out for them. Sure won't hurt to encourage them a little. They are definitely a boost to keeping bugs down. Just don't want any snakes!

Scarf completed Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Scarf for Jean Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Jean's Car Pics

Rather than try and post a picture of Jean's car I have posted them on my yahoo photo site. It is album titled -- Jean's accident. So feel free to go and look. I don't think you get a good view of the windshield being broke in 3 different places or the side and that the frame is comepletely wrapped around the wheel. It is cramped in there with the cars right on top of each other and hard to get a good pic of what I wanted to plus they are a bit dark. I lightened a couple but no time to really mess with them right now. So feel free to look if you are interested. Oh and the one of the little orange light hanging off Jean calls her little hanging eye hanging off on other side of car from impact hitting it so hard.

Car pics

I am going this morning to go get pics of Jean's car. We have to clean it out and this morning is the only time she will really have time to do so. The insurance company has finally gotten back to her hand made her a reasonable offer so we have to make sure to get everything out of it and get the tags off it. I also have to go to bank andher title so we can get that copied for her. The insurance company needs that before they will pay her and we don't want anything held up right now. They also authorized her a rental car. It is supposed to be canceled on same day as payout of her car but they authorized a full week since it got held up due to the issues and hassles with them and their client. But all is going through now. I am just glad that she is finally not fighting it and all, we really can't afford the hassle and delays with it especially since Jean is leaving for Japan in a few weeks.
I am going to request the day off work when she leaves. I know there isn't much I can do, but I definitely want to see her off and all. I will miss her tons.
Well, when I get a pic of Jeans car I will post it. I am just glad that her car took car of her. Anytime you walk away from a wreck that is a total loss with as little as she did it is good. She has a few scrapes and bruises on her arms and was sore for a few days but other than that she has done real well. I think her car took car of her and that is all I care about. Thank God for taking care of my baby and Thank God for for the designers and engineers know how who helped!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Jean's Car

Insurance company has finally talked to everybody and are taking care of everything. They are putting Jean in a rental car this afternoon for one week. They have sent someone to see her car and claimed it a total loss. We pretty much knew that. Jean just wants to get some cd's and a few other little things out of it that she forgot when her dad came to get her at the accident. I don't think we are going to get her another vehichcle befor she goes to Japan as it seems silly at this point to buy one to sit and pay insurance on for a year with no driver. In meantime we are working it out for a week between two of us and will continue to do so. Bill can start car shopping for her again when time for her to come home. That is what she is more worried about. It will work out I think. Her back and neck were sore for a few days but she is ok now so that is ok. I was worried about it but she seems fine now.
Bill booked her plane ticket away and I am going tto miss my baby. She leaves the 28th of September for Japan. I am going to miss her. A whole year away will be long time without her.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Jean's car accident

Jean was in a car accident yesterday evening. She is ok barring a few bruises and marks from the air bag. Mostly her arm and her shoulder and neck are a bit sore but nothing bad, just a bit sore. basically someone making a left failed to yield and clobbered her good. They hit her on drivers side front. Looks like it totaled her car. Hit her so hard stuff fell off other side and even the headlight and other things were popping off other side I am told. Bill went and got her. I haven't seen it yet. Hope to see it first of week and want to get a picture or two of it. We will see what we can do about sharing transportation for now and work out what we can as needed. She is so upset.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Lots ahead for today

Lots to do today! Plan on getting some raking and stuff done this morning before it gets too hot. Big lot of overflow with the grass in a few areas. Usually it is not a problem but this uear all the rain and weather has created lots extra. The horses next door really enjoy and the neighbors next doors say I am more than welcome to toss it in to them so in it goes. they eat it right up.
I need to pick the apple tree too. It is really a mess. I hadn't sprayed it and pretty much ignored it. After 13 years I really felt like it was going no where and actually thinkin gof getting rid of it. It was supposed to bear after 7 seven years. We originally bought two but one died after 2nd year. you are supposed to have two in order for them to bear. ayway it is bearing this year in abundance but it is full of bugs and rot. So a thorough picking is in order and disposal, then a spraying. Next year, a proper pruning and I may have a decent crop.
That and my regular mundane household stuff around here. Grocery shopping and cleaning and all the other details that go along with everything else. Chris came and picked up his hat. I was real glad, however, while it is wearable, unless he shaves his head, it doesn't really fit him. I made it about 4 inches bigger around than my head and he probably needs at least another 2 or 3 inches. I also made it extra long like a stocking cap and it barely covers, so he asked for one longer, about another 2 or 3 inches. So off to hunt around in my yarn for what I might have and see what will work for another one. Anyway, yard work waiting. and weed eating too as if I don't get it done early it is supposed to storm rest of weekend.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

this old house and knit in notes

Knit In on Monday was quiet but fun. Brandy and Chris brought the baby. I finished my son's hatthen worked on sleeves for the Harry Potter sweater. The hat is waiting for him to come pick it up. Hope he does and Lauren's sunglasses are still here. I think they are Lauren's anyway. If not they could be my sister in law's, I will have to check.
Things have been real busy around here. lots of stuff getting done around house. Seems like all the light fixtures have taken this week to decide to be non repairable and have to be replaced. Bill replaced the kitchen overhead. I like the new one. We had a temporary fixture in our bedroom that we never replaced so we are looking into a couple lamps for our bedroom. It broke and is completely shot. Not much of a light anyway and really was just a 99 cent fixture hanging on a nail so no great loss. We never got around to replacing it as we hadn't gotten around to redoing that room in our house yet. About the only room not really done yet, and having to finish off the closet in our room. But we also need to redo Jean's room again where the walls have cracked and such from us not doing it right or what ever. Well live and learn. I got to admit, sometimes a bit of this old house does get to me once in a while.