Friday, December 31, 2004

Patches Posted by Hello

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Night Shift

This night shift mess is really killing me. I can't get anything else done and am exhausted. Not even time for knitting. Cooking a good meal seems like a waste of time as I am not up in time to do it or eat it. I am sure glad this is the last week.
I am up tonight but need to get a bit of knitting done. Hopefully I can start on the blue poncho and get it done. Then it will be time for something for me. Even if it is for someone else it needs to be something fun and relaxing. well, off to knit.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Project list updated

Christmas has come and gone so time to update the list. I am surprised I got so much done, but then plans change and it is always amazing what there is left to do.
Current project list. * means started # means deadline

*Mittens for Jeannie (Only one left, have already done cuff)
Tea Cozy for Jean
Hand Warmers for Trina
2 more pink ponchos for girls Completed
# Blue Poncho
#4 pair booties/baby socks for girls at work having babies (one pair completed)
3 Blankets for Dorm before winter (sewn from fleece)
*#Chris's Quilt Graduation- already 3 yrs late
*Cottage Socks for me, my own design
*Coaster Sets for Christmas (Hopefully by next year -- if I have time)
Thistle Sweater for me
*Red, White, Blue Afghan
*Sweater for Jean
*Booga Bag purple, teal, gray and pink stripe -- ( I need something quick to work on and break up the monotony of pink ponchos)
DNA Scarf
Weasley Sweater
# Baby set in Tennessee colors
# Heart Baby blanket
# Hat for Bill
# Teacing sock for class Completed
Blue Jean Socks for little Joseph

Sure looks like I need to get hopping on this list. It is fun and amazing how quick things get added. I have a few more projects I wish to start soon so I need to really get hopping. Bill wants his hat quick and i can't blame him. He works out daily and his weights are in garage, not heated and it is cold out there, so I guess I better get started.
Hope eveyone had a Merry Christmas. I did. My son is home frromthe Marines --- permanently and that is all I needed.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Will finish last PINK PONCHO today. I am so glad and will deliver tonight or tomorrow night at work. I can hardly wait. I cast on for my sample socks for my sock knitting class. Jan 8th. -- my first teaching class. I am making a sock with all the different parts a different color. I think it will be good for explaining the different parts visually for the students. I sure hope it works. Can't wait to start something new and interesting. I have recieved a kit for Harry Potter Sweater and also a kit for this sweater from Mary Maxim. I can't decide which to start next. I also want to do some entrelac but havn't decided what and I have a couple baby sweater sets on my list to do too. Well off to finish the knitting -- and then another pic for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Happy Birthday

Well, it was a happy day. I really enjoyed it. At least the parts where I didn't have to visit the dr. I do hate that. Dinner at Red Lobster and I get spinning classes for my birthday. I get to pick date and time I want to take so that is good. I am taking both a hand spinning class and a wheel class. They will provide a wheel for use so you can decide if you really want to invest in one. I am already positive I will love it but do I need another craft. Of course I do, what is one more large pile of stash around here. I may have to buy a warehouse just for storage soon.
I also recieved from my DD a set of round weaving looms. Awesome. I am really going to enjoy these and will be nice with my 5 yr old niece. She will have great success with being able to make hats and stuff with me when she visits.
Now my sewing machine is on way to repair shop. No fun and I really need it. I have bindings on 4 blankets to finish before Christmas. Knitting and sewing, I'm really pushing a deadline envelope this year for the holidays. At least I am oput of hospital now and can work on things, that really slowed me down.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Too cold for Lemonade.

When life gives you lemons ..... yada, yada, yada .... It is too cold and I am too tired for lemonade.
I hate that I haven't been in here for a couple days. Our dsl line and phone line went out this past week and couldn't use for few days. GRRRRRRRRR!
Now a night in ER. Double yuck! but it is not my appendix so that is good. It is my ovaries and that is not. I wish they had taken them out when they did my hysterectomy last year. The pain is awful. Demorol and fennigan (SP) eased a bit, then half hour later Dilaudid, even that didn't get rid of pain. I was surprised to find that ovarian cysts can be that painful. Anyway. I will be out of work tomorrow and call in to my GYN and see what we can do. Oh and I developed an allergic reaction to the Fennigan and the Dilaudid. Life wasn't boring. But they are running out of stuff to be able to use on me.
Oh well, back to bed. Maybe I can knit some.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

100 things ...

Not too much knitting today. Just working on poncho, although hubs has asked for a hat. We went Christmas shopping and got a bit of things done but not too much. Bought tree too. It is up and tomorrow we will put lights and such on it. Now just cause I read everyone else and I began to wonder if there were that many things about me...

100 things about me. Are you sure there are that many

  1. I was Born in Toledo, Ohio
  2. My parents split up before I was born.
  3. My mother remarried 3 more times.
  4. She divorced 4 times also.
  5. Her 3rd husband adopted me when I was 4.
  6. He kicked us out and ignored me forever after I turned 7.
  7. I still sent him father’s day cards till I was 28. (I was a slow learner)
  8. I refused to tell him about his granddaughter cause he called my aunt (on my mom’s side) and cussed her out cause he didn’t find out about my 2nd son till he got announcement in mail. He never even sent a card for any of my kids.
  9. I don’t know how many brothers and sisters I have. My legal father remarried and had several more kids. I don’t even know their names. My biological father remarried and had 3 kids – Dorothy, Kevin and Agnes. I sure wish I could get in touch with them and knew how they were doing.
  10. I met my biological father when I was 18.
  11. I met him right after my mom died she wouldn’t allow it before.
  12. He committed suicide when I was 24.
  13. My mother was in and out of mental institution since I was 12.
  14. This left me to care for my 2 younger sisters and brother.
  15. My mother died in a car accident when I was 18.
  16. My grandmother was my best friend when I was young.
  17. My mother was jealous of our relationship and was why she made us move across country when I was 10.
  18. I only saw my grandmother again twice till after my mother died.
  19. My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was 8.
  20. She did so in self-defense so she would be able to knit with out me in her chair trying to hold her needles and learn. She insisted I was too young to knit.
  21. I taught myself to knit when 39 from a book and have never looked back.
  22. My birthday is 8 days before Christmas.
  23. I hate that my birthday is so close to Christmas.
  24. I love that my birthday is when all the stores are full of great things to get. (Does that make me greedy?)
  25. My mom refused to put up any Christmas decorations before my birthday.
  26. I had an older brother who was buried 1 yr the day I was born.
  27. I got to be on tv for my first Christmas. In nursery at hospital inside a big Christmas stocking.
  28. I am not a big sweets eater.
  29. I prefer cherry peel n eat Twizzlers to chocolate.
  30. I married my husband 10 weeks and 1 day after our first date.
  31. We have been married 23+ yrs.
  32. I have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl.
  33. I had them before I was 24.
  34. I sometimes say I have 6 because of having the care of my sisters and brother for so long.
  35. I went to school to become a photographer.
  36. I quit when I got married just short of graduating.
  37. I was 19 when I got married.
  38. I never owned new clothes (that I can remember) until after my mom died.
  39. I will spend $200 on yarn or more for a project for someone else, but not $40 on pair of shoes for me.
  40. I have never met a craft I didn’t like and only know of very few I haven’t tried: spinning my own yarn, tatting, bobbin lace making.
  41. I am a packrat.
  42. I lose things easily because of this.
  43. If you need something, then give me time, I can find it here somewhere.
  44. I tend to bite off more than I can chew as far as crafting deadlines go.
  45. I always manage to pull it through and finish everything.
  46. I love teaching others any craft I already know how to do.
  47. I love old movies. I mean really old, silent even. Or the ones that came out right after they had ‘talkies’.
  48. Sean Connery will always be the sexiest man alive, besides my husband that is.
  49. Followed closely by Christopher Lambert.
  50. I love jigsaw puzzles.
  51. I collect postcards, snowglobes, and elephants with their trunk up.
  52. I think I was born in wrong era. I would like to have been a pioneer, but do I have to be on opposite sides of Indians, maybe I should have been an Indian.
  53. I hate tv.
  54. I watch it way too much.
  55. I have 2 cats at home now.
  56. They are supposed to be my daughters, but she is now at college and that leaves them with me.
  57. I would rather have a dog.
  58. I am a jeans and t-shirt girl.
  59. I love living in the country.
  60. I love playing board games.
  61. My husband is hot. 6’4” and still weighs what he did at 19, which is 220 lb. Not fair at all.
  62. I am allergic to most all soaps and have a terrible time buying anything I can use for bath soap, shampoo, or laundry detergent.
  63. I am not allergic to poison ivy.
  64. I used to oil paint.
  65. I have sold every painting I ever did but one, that one I refused to.
  66. I don’t drink coffee except on a very rare occasion.
  67. I love kids movies.
  68. I love family movies.
  69. I hate horror and gory movies.
  70. I still get nightmares.
  71. I used to walk in my sleep.
  72. I love video games, but only the old ones. Pacman and frogger are two of my favorites.
  73. I love to go swimming in a pool. Not easy to swim in ocean and I like to really swim.
  74. I love to go hunting.
  75. I don’t anymore, cause my DH thinks it is dumb and I feel stupid going if he doesn’t.
  76. I love to cook.
  77. I am not a great cook. An ok cook, but not a great cook.
  78. I love trying new recipes.
  79. My ultimate dream is to own about 500 acres and let all my family (and my husbands’) have their own house on it. We could be a community and be there for each other and all the kids would grow up together.
  80. I want to someday be buried on my own property.
  81. I’d also like to pay no taxes, but then I wake up every morning in a real world.
  82. I have never smoked, not even 1 puff off of one cigarette. Just never wanted to.
  83. I am not a very good organizer.
  84. I love to play around studying genealogy.
  85. I am afraid of heights.
  86. I secretly want to skydive, just once.
  87. I am TERRIFIED of snakes. So much so that even a worm makes me go the other direction.
  88. I am afraid of heights. I once made my husband furious because I wouldn’t walk across a bridge in Boston. The kind that rise up to let ships through. I was ok, till I had to walk on metal grid I could see through. We were sightseeing at the time and ended up not seeing pretty much anything in Boston after the USS Constitution.
  89. I have lived in 7 states, Ohio, Georgia, Washington, Florida, Colorado, Iowa, and Michigan.
  90. Colorado was my favorite state to have been in.
  91. I have already decided that I will live to be at least 96 years old.
  92. I love talking and playing with kids. They don’t hold back and they are more honest than life.
  93. I believe life is fair and someday my turn will come.
  94. My favorite color is probably green, a nice clear bright green. But then there is blue and red and so many other wonderful things out there.
  95. I never had a favorite actor or music group. I preferred enjoying individual songs and movies for their own sake.
  96. I do prefer country music.
  97. I am short and even though my husband is tall I refuse to wear heels.
  98. I have no sense of smell or at least very minimal due to a medical procedure done when I was a teen. I can only smell certain scents when they are very strong and right in front of me.
  99. I don’t own a cd player.

100.Why did I do this?

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Tooth Fairy

I wish the tooth fairy still came. At least to my house. Getting money for my teeth would be much better than the torture of trying to keep them from rotting and all. I am not sure it wouldn't be easier to just pull them. Getting money, even a quarter (I'm not picky, sho cares about inflation) is better than the cost I put into my teeth. Yuck. Plus going there, spending hours and then not being able to eat anything when you come home is no fun. Everything is tender, sore or just plain not hard enough yet to chew on.
The Dentist office has only one saving grace. I get to knit. He actually enjoys seeing what I am knitting on. I knit even in the chair till time to open wide. I quit then cause when they tilt you back on your head it just doesn't feel right. But 4 more inches done on another poncho. Will be glad when I am done with pink. I won't want to see pink again for a long time. Off to knit some more. Lookout poncho --- here I come.