Thursday, December 02, 2004

Tooth Fairy

I wish the tooth fairy still came. At least to my house. Getting money for my teeth would be much better than the torture of trying to keep them from rotting and all. I am not sure it wouldn't be easier to just pull them. Getting money, even a quarter (I'm not picky, sho cares about inflation) is better than the cost I put into my teeth. Yuck. Plus going there, spending hours and then not being able to eat anything when you come home is no fun. Everything is tender, sore or just plain not hard enough yet to chew on.
The Dentist office has only one saving grace. I get to knit. He actually enjoys seeing what I am knitting on. I knit even in the chair till time to open wide. I quit then cause when they tilt you back on your head it just doesn't feel right. But 4 more inches done on another poncho. Will be glad when I am done with pink. I won't want to see pink again for a long time. Off to knit some more. Lookout poncho --- here I come.


Blogger Donna Hulka said...

You poor thing! My mom is having a lot of work done on her teeth and she has the same sentiments about it.

12:53 PM  

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