Sunday, May 29, 2005

All My Handspun

See my pics of my handspun. I finially got a bunch done up and decided to wash and set twist. I have been wanting to make something and can hardly wait to get to it. Colors in bowl are pretty accurate but really is a bit brighter in life. Bill and all were gone this morning so I took advantage and decided to see what I can do about getting it hung to dry. Hanging --- from left to right is actual order of it having been spun. looks cloudy out so am hoping it will dry before we get rain. If not, I have discovered that this pole (from paint extender) will hang at angle over shower tub unit in extra bathroom so it can dry in house.I would of just put it in bathroom but with Jean home I hate to tie it up so she can't use it, she would definitely be screeching at me.
I am working on some red, black and silver blend of Merino/Tussah and then I also have some unidentified fiber in a turquoise color. Just to play with. will see what happens.

my first bunch of washed handspun  Posted by Hello

6 qt bowl of freshly washed handspun Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

Alive and Thankful!

I have been way out of it for about 2 weeks and now that I am feeling better it is so good. I am counting my blessings that it wasn't worse! My former pharmacist (wish I could be less than polite) misread a prescription and gave me wrong med. It wasn't something I had taken before and so I had no idea what it was supposed to look like and with any dr's handwriting I am not supposed to interpret. Needless to say it was a way wrong med and I have been a major bit under the weather. I was supposed to be getting an anti-seizure med, I got an anti-depressant. Not good and took a while to figure out. I was in zombie land and not doing well at all. I am just glad it wasn't worse. Things like that can kill a person. And I definitely don't need any more complications in my life. Getting sorted and still drinking plenty of fluids to flush my system. I actually feel alive today and am able to sit up and not nod off. The dose was rather high and kept me rather sedated. oh well, as long as I am ok now.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Chris and his daughter. Posted by Hello

Brandy and her new baby Posted by Hello

Alison and Linda with Alison's new baby  Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Busy Life.

Busy weekend keeps happening. I plan on going through fabric fabric tomorrow and have someone coming on Sunday and picking up some of the excess. Aso am going to cut out some of sundress patterns for Lacee and she is going to sew them up. Saturday Jeannie and I are going to pick Strawberries (YUM) and make jam. Sunday work in the craft rooms and then Sunday dinner.
Has been busy here at house also. I have knit another 4 baby hats. I have this pattern memorized. I should by now. Also been doing some spinning. I ought to get my DD to take a pick of me doing some spinning. Currently working on a merino/Tussah blend in silver/black/reds. Looks like it would be very light colored when looking at the roving but looks can be decieving and like dyes and mixing paints little bits of dark goes further and is much darker than I expected. I still like it though and really like the shine this has too. I am getting a really fine spin too it.
I navajo plied the merino ( I may have said in a previous post) and am thinking I may do a baby hat. I am really wanting to just knit it up badly. I haven't knit any of my own handspun yet and that is as good a reason as any. I can knit it up and I want to save my first handspun for my first grandbaby. Seems appropiate to me anyway. I will get one sometime.
I wonder if my kiddos read this. If so --- DO NOT HURRY WITH GRANDBABIES! I am in no rush and all things will come in time. Life happens. I just look forward to the future and enjoying it.
A friend of ours and especially a couple of my kids died this past weekend. Miss Emma --- an older lady had a heart attack Sunday morning. Her funeral was Tuesday in Decatur. She also was a co-worker of jean's so Jean worked while others went. Jean was definitely upset she couldn't go. I am not sure if Chris went or not. I don't know if he was able to get off work. I wanted to but I couldn't get off work either.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Out of the Loop

sorry I have been out of touch! I feel Like I have been In a time warp. I managed to make it to work most days but when I got home it was all I could do to collapse into bed. I missed meals and DH did my laundry and just about everything else.
I took trip to my aunts a few weeks ago and really had a wonderful time. I tyhink the drive was too much on my hip. I didn't stop at all on the way and really payed for it. I spent Monday in so much pain I was throwing up and my hip couldn't support me at all. Long story shorter. This past week dr put 6 tubes of stuff directly into bone in SI joint and I am finally getting some relief.
They have determined that a hip replacement will not be feasible and will not work as the area damaged is not area they can do anything for but this. As long as it works I don't care. So back to knitting. I haven't done any in two weeks and that is very unusual. I have finished the front of the Harry Potter Sweater and working on sleeve. Can hardly wait to get that done. Also looking at some projects for christmas. Will see what I can get into.