Out of the Loop
sorry I have been out of touch! I feel Like I have been In a time warp. I managed to make it to work most days but when I got home it was all I could do to collapse into bed. I missed meals and DH did my laundry and just about everything else.
I took trip to my aunts a few weeks ago and really had a wonderful time. I tyhink the drive was too much on my hip. I didn't stop at all on the way and really payed for it. I spent Monday in so much pain I was throwing up and my hip couldn't support me at all. Long story shorter. This past week dr put 6 tubes of stuff directly into bone in SI joint and I am finally getting some relief.
They have determined that a hip replacement will not be feasible and will not work as the area damaged is not area they can do anything for but this. As long as it works I don't care. So back to knitting. I haven't done any in two weeks and that is very unusual. I have finished the front of the Harry Potter Sweater and working on sleeve. Can hardly wait to get that done. Also looking at some projects for christmas. Will see what I can get into.
Glad you are feeling better hope it keeps up. Can't wait to see the HP sweater when it is done.
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