Friday, April 22, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

Boy has life been busy! Dr appts almost every day since I returned from Canada. All is well, just dealing with somethings. new meds and new treatments. Will see how they go. Am trying to hold off on hip replacement. I go to pain management clinic next week and hopefully we can do a few things.
Billy had a car accident in brothers car. Brakes failed and not at a good time. At least he hit no one else and he was fine. Put a hole in gas tank though and not sure the vehicle is really worth fixing. Mess with insurance company but like I said no one was hurt so will work out ok.
Everyone I know seems to be busting out with babies. I have been making baby hats and delivering them like going out of style. 5 babies born this week and another today. She went in last night but baby hasn't arrived yet. I have been making my little angel baby hat. I love that pattern and think I will keep making them. They are fun for me and a bit different from what others would make.
Beaded stitch markers have been doing me well. I have ordered more red hat charms. Those went over real well with my trip to Canada and I liked that. Also ordered some flip flop charms and going to lok at some more later.
Will take pic of baby hat and post today. Also of garden. Tulips have bloomed and gone. I planted lavender out back and some sunflowers and catnip. Also a couple pumpkin seeds so will see how that goes. Just had to plant one for fun.
I have spun enough yarn for a pair of socks with my drop spindle so am going to play with that. I plan on casting on that today and see where it gets me. I also NEED to work on my cottage socks. I really want to get those done. Well, off to do a bit of finishing and mending before the day is mine. Then I can knit and relax, maybe at my favorite place at the park.


Blogger Marilyn said...

Sorry to hear about Billy, glad no one was hurt.
How are the new meds working? I keep missing you in chat.
Did I get the pattern from you for the hat when I was there? If I didn't I think I would like it. I don't remember.

2:50 AM  

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