25 yr old lemons
you can't make lemonade from 25 year old lemons. If my children read this -- I don't think they do. but if so then I'm sorry but you will be finding out soon enough I guess.
My husband has informed me that our marriage is over. He has another relationship and has had for some time. he insists the two are not related. Poppycock. ##### can get run over by a truck for all I care. Everything has been his choice and his decision and I do not and have not had any choice in the matter. Locks are being changed today and I am looking for a good lawyer. Nothing else I can do. I have to at least know my rights and protect myself. 25 years is a long time to throw away. Even now if he was honest and serious I would work on our marriage. Something he has never been willing to do, despite my many attempts and tries to get him to go to counseling and do so.