Dec 31st, What a Year!
I'm too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed! I think that is going to be my new saying. I need to post it on my fridge. One of those things to look and and remind me of all the wonderful things in my life and all the things I don't have to worry about.
I am happy to announce a new knitter. My daughter Jean has joined the ranks. Yesterday she had me start her out with a scarf and she is picking up fast. I showed her the long tail cast on, three stitches and she cast on and knit perfectly. Wish we all had tension so even our first, second or even our 3rd attempts at knitting. She was into her third row and said, "This is fun." She is definitely hooked. Today she called with her first problem. She had pulled her needle out by accident and when she put the stitches back on she could tell it wasn't right. I went over after work and showed her how to tink back until it was right and then she was off again. She says it is addictive and was enjoying watching TV and knitting her scarf last night. I am glad to see her enjoying it so much. It is a good relaxing hobby and something whe will always enjoy.