WooHoo! WooHoo! My GPA is up to 3.85. My daughter said she was going to hang up on me when I told her. I am glad. Have had a good Christmas for most part. Not going to brag about the wonderful loving gifts I git, but they were very special. Work has been hectic and could be less so. Kids are doing good .
Things could be better. Few weeks before Christmas Bill was informed company he works for is going out of business, so now he is out of work and we will no longer have insurance after the 31st. I have filled out paperwork and faxed it in where I work so we will have insurance there. They have told me it will start on the 1st of January. I will have to go through the hassle of checking all our drs again and making sure they are on insurance. I so hate going through all of that. Plus our co-pay is doubling. Yuck. Big thing is prescriptions. I have such a big expense with those that I will be glad to have that coverage.
Am doing some spinning with my drop spindle. Am really enjoying it. Will be able to do more knitting and stuff this next quarter. With my online class I should be able to manage my time more effectively and be better prepared. Will have to see how that goes.
Chris is enjoying his promotion at work as kitchen manager at Loco's. He is supposed to be going to Calif. to open a store sometime in next month or so. I think he is looking forward to that.
Knutty Needles
Too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed. Remember what you have in life, it is more important anyway. Going to school and working full-time definitely keeps me busy, I knit and spin as much as I can. Definitely try to keep things in perspective, Life is too short for anything else.
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