You are a protector.
Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you belive in. It's not
that you are a coward, but your ideals and
morals wouldn't allow it. You are the typical
hero, do the righteous things, get the bad
guys and do it all legally. But just because
you don't kill doesn't mean you can't kick
ass. And that is what you do. You use your
brain and your strenght to do honourable
deeds and protect people you know and love.
If an evil guy is going to take over the
world soon, it's you who will get involved.
You hate watching innocents suffer, and love
seeing bad people getting what they deserve.
You are probably also happy and optimistic
and work pretty good in groups. And the
friends you usually make are true ones.
Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla
Knutty Needles
Too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed. Remember what you have in life, it is more important anyway. Going to school and working full-time definitely keeps me busy, I knit and spin as much as I can. Definitely try to keep things in perspective, Life is too short for anything else.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Home and well
Well Back Procedure Went fairly well. They ended up working on 6 nerves rather than 2. Mostly because when they got in thee they discovered a big mess. Under the new x-ray equipment that they have they discovered that I have a series of old spinal fractures -- 7 actually in lower part of spine. At least that's how many she is sure of. Part is so fused together we will never know.
I have often wondered about the back manipulation my mother did to me as a toddler a small child -- 40+ yrs ago --- her and my grandmother argued and fought about it. Back when back manipulation was first becoming a thing and finding that it helped and strengthened the back of adults in this country. She truly believed she was strengthening mine for the future. Only a kid still in diapers back is not developed or strong enough to bear the weight of an adults knee pushing on there spine like that. It looks like this may be the result. It is another gift of hers in my life.
Anyway, the procedure has helped alot. The pain levels are down. I am a bit tender muscularly. I think just wore out. They also gave me a back brace to wear for additional support and it really does feel good.
On the knitting front. Almost done with the last sleeve of this baby sweater. Hope to get it done this weekend. Picture soon. I want to finish it as I want to start something for me. Be nice.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
My Play Day
Had a wonderful and relaxing day yesterday. And what a day for it. Weather was very cooperative --- nice sunny 71 degrees. They had given me an extra day off work before my surgery (short on hours). I did a few errands in morning. Just little things and things around here. Then afternoon I went to Urban Santuary Spa and had a wonderful relaxing hour just for me. Facial, face, scalp, neck, shoulder and foot massage. very relaxing. Never went to a spa and this was very nice. Thank you Bill was wonderful gift. Had my therapy appt. then off to knitting group. Wonderful visit and knitting. Joan brought in some of her handspun and showed it to us. Sure wish I could afford to get me a spinning wheel. It will come with time. Am working on last sleeve of baby sweater and will be getting it done very quickly, hopefully today. Will see, but if not I won't e doing too much for next couple days so will be enjoying my knitting and relaxing.
Bought a book and am waiting to start on. I have never read any of the Chronicles of Narnia before --deprived childhood I know. I bought a copy of the adult version which has all the books together in one volume. So I can read and knit and work on nothing. Nap or whatever.
Surgery today is nothing major. In and out. Shouldn't even be there more than an hour. Will see how that goes. I expect all will be well but am a little nervous. I did promise Jean I would e-mail her when I got home on her phone.
This morning I am going to run vaccuum and clean off dining room table so that it looks decent around here. Already have an easy dinner planned that Bill can cook or he can get take out. He is a good cook in his own right so really didn't need me to plan anything so really wantever he decides is up to him.