Friday, March 27, 2009

Snowy Days

I never showed you my snowy days pictures. We got 6 1/2 inches. For us that is alot. We have been here almost 20 years (just a few months more) and this is the most we have seen in any winter total. Sure was pretty while it lasted. And lucky us, our power stayed ON!!! Just in case you think that is funny, here in the south, with snow, that is almost a miracle. With that much snow it was heavens blessings. We got the beauty and got to enjoy it. Yes most of the northern part of the state shut down, I mean shut down!!!. No work, no school, no anything.
Everyone else in the family lost power. They got power back next day except for Chris. Lisa and Chris brought animals over and stayed the night the 2nd night until power was on next day. We were glad to have them. Not a problem and glad to help out.
Every time I sat at my laptop I was going to post about the storm and then would say "the pictures are on the other computer" so would wait. So here are a couple of pictures from here.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Jean update

Talked to Jean again today. It is always a joy to talk to her each week. She is really looking forward to the fact that winter is starting to wind down. She is getting into the muddy times before spring arrives. She is out running on a regular basis and enjoying it. Always has been one to keep up her exercise and stay healthy.
Her biggest issue is lack of a can opener. She hasn't found one that works and doesn't know how to use the one on her swiss knife. she printed out instructions on internet and still haven[t figured it out.
I told her to ask her neighbors or check around in town. I am sure someone will help. She bought one in Kyiv, but it isn't working. I am sure she can find something local. If not, I will get her something and bring it when we meet her this summer in Greece.
The weather has warmed up quite a bit here. We were without sweaters and in short sleeves yesterday. Tonight though we are looking at snow. Alabama is already taking in a good bit.
Haven't gotten any time back at my spinning wheel. I want to ply those two bobbins I spun. I haven't plied on the wheel before, so should be different. I will dye it later. I know I could of dyed the roving, but dying the yarn is fine for now. Will maybe do some more dyeing techniques down the road.
I take it back about the weather. It is snowing hard NOW!!!