Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Knitting Again

A great picture of Jean from Greece. She looks great and is doing well. I can't wait to see her again at Thanksgiving time.
New classes have started for fall quarter. Spanish for allied health workers, and Computer concepts. Hoping all goes well. Looks like my Spanish class class may be cancelled. Not enough students to make the two classes, one in morning and one in afternoon. So one will be cancelled, but which? I will know by Thursday.
I have started knitting a sweater for Jean. The pattern is Winding Road Henley from Sept 2009 issue of Creative Knitting magazine. I am using Oxford Grey Wool-Ease. Jean and I picked out the yarn before she left and we looked at several patterns. She showed me several she liked, but nothing ever really seemed right, but I do love this one.
Jean will be home in 6 1/2 weeks for her brothers wedding and I want to have it done for her to take back with her to the Ukraine. I know she will get good use out of it this winter there.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I don't know what has happened to my last several posts. They were here and then suddenly this week they are gone. I know I hadn't put in a new one this month but what happened to the others is anybodies guess.
Since the others are gone, I will say that Bill and I had a wonderful trip to Greece. I will post pictures later when I am on other computer.
Knitting wise I am starting a sweater for Jean. Hoping to get it finished before Chris's wedding so she can take it back with her to the Ukraine. We are so glad she is going to be able to make it home for the wedding.
I am also wanting to do a shawl for Lisa, but rather doubt that will happen. Classes are starting again in 2 weeks and between classes and work, I just can't do everything I want to.
Well, will keep at it. Will post again later this week. Hope I can find my other posts.
may be a lost cause.